When Do You Need An Animal Communicator for Your Cats?

Idee Animal Communicator for Your Cats

Did you know that more and more people are turning to professional animal communicators for cats?
And like me, if you have also been adopted by cats, you already know your cats far better than anyone else. You get them. You know what they want. Almost always!

And then there are times, when you feel unsure, especially when faced with a challenging situation. And you wish you had more clarity. You want to know with certainty why your cat is no longer interested in their favorite treats. You wish you knew why they are no longer using their litter box. This is where professional animal communicators for cats can help.

An animal communicator for cats can get those much-needed answers from your cat and help you build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with your furry friend. Whether you’re dealing with behavioral issues or health concerns or want to know what your cat is thinking, an animal communicator can provide valuable insights and guidance.

A Peek Into Telepathic Animal Communication

Animal communicators for cats can listen to what your cats have to say and have a conversation with them if needed. We do this using telepathic communication. For an animal communicator, this means the transfer of images, words, sounds, or feelings. And because such transfer is not dependent on your cat being physically present, animal communication works well over distances.

Telepathic communication is not a secret superpower. It is a capability present in each living being – some use it more than others. And animal communicators for cats and other animals rely on telepathic connections. And it is highly likely that you have experienced it in some form or another. Remember that time when you were thinking of your friend, and just then, you received a call from her?

The gift of communicating with the animal kingdom is present in each of us. All it needs is lots of practice. In the classes that I have attended, the explanation takes less than 10% of the time. Rest is all about learning how to stay neutral and practice, practice, practice.

The Role of An Animal Communicator for Cats

Animal communicators for cats and all animals often use the metaphor of being the bridge to describe their role. We are that bridge that helps you connect with your cat or dog. You can rely on an animal communicator to tell your cat that you will be traveling and your cat will be with her favorite sitter. An animal communicator for your cats can make it possible for your cat to tell you what she thinks about her preference for that wet food in the yellow can.

How Does Animal Communication Work?

These are the three basic steps that most animal communicators will use to listen and talk to your cat.

#1 - Getting Quiet

This is the first step where an animal communicator enters a space of stillness and becomes receptive to intuitive insights. It is a state of meditative calmness and requires one to be fully grounded, balanced, and centered. There are different practices available to do this. I have found simple mindfulness practices to be very effective. We want to be present and available – neither distracted nor carried away. It is essential to be fully grounded. Animals are connected to the earth-energies, and if a communicator is not fully grounded, the information may not be of any practical use.

#2 - Connecting

As animal communicators for cats and other animals, we connect with the animals from our hearts. It is a heart-based practice and a heart-centric connection. Some use visualization techniques, and some won’t, and both are accurate. It is no longer about analyzing the situation but being present with your cat with an open heart and open to receiving information without judgment and without being impeded by limiting beliefs.

#3 - Communicating

Your animal communicator for your cats will receive information from your cat through words, images, sounds, or feelings, and sometimes a combination of these. The information received is acknowledged with gratitude. The animal communicator for your cats can also convey information in the same way – e.g., by showing an image of the new sitters who will look after them while you travel.

How can an Animal Communicator for Cats Help?

You can talk to your cat and find out what food she prefers. When a new cat lands up, I often ask them what they want to be called. Once, I heard “James Bond” in response. And that is not all.
While animal communication for cats can be about finding out if your cat likes your new boyfriend, they are particularly beneficial in some scenarios. An animal communicator for your cats can help when you are struggling with a behavior challenge or a physical condition. At times like this, the insights you receive are precious and will help you decide what course of action you need to take. Maybe all you need to do is re-arrange the litter boxes in the house for the cat peeing outside the litter box.

Behavioral Issues

Max was the senior cat in a multi-cat house. His human believed Max was picking on a younger cat and being a bully. When I connected with Max, I got an image of a younger cat pouncing on Max and Max retaliating. Max says, “But he starts it!”

When I relayed this to his human, she burst out laughing. She said the younger one was mischievous, and she was relieved that Max was not initiating. Later in another session, the younger one did confirm that he enjoyed poking Max.

An animal communicator for your cats can help you identify what is triggering undesired behavior in your cat. It is vital to note that animal communicators cannot force an animal to do something against their will. No one can change your cats unless they want to.

Health Concerns

Having an animal communicator for your cats by your side can be of great value when your cat is navigating a physical illness. People often ask – “How is my cat feeling today?” or “Why is he not eating his favorite food anymore?” or “All lab reports are normal, and yet he refuses to eat. What is going on?”
Once when a cat kept scooting, I saw an image of something that looked like a small ball near the hind end. When I relayed this to the doctor, he said he would check his anal glands, which is quite rare in cats. It turned out he needed to express his anal glands, and once that was treated at the medical clinic, his scooting stopped.
Remember that an animal communicator for your cats will use telepathy and intuitive guidance to relay information. We are not substitutes for lab tests and medical treatments.

Rescues and Fosters

An animal communicator for your cats can help you understand your cats from their perspective and help deepen your bond. This can be transformational when you have a rescue situation or are temporarily fostering rescued cats. With animal communication for cats and other animals, you can go beyond seeing your cats with their illnesses and behavior challenges and learn about their true personality. When cats realize that they are no longer being pitied but instead being recognized for their gifts, it can be a transformational experience for both cats and humans.

Life Transitions and Changes

Life transitions and changes were those times when I realized how animal communication helped my cats. Cats simply don’t do change. And suppose you are relocating, and your cat has no clue what is happening. In that case, it is an extraordinary amount of stress for your sensitive feline.

Strangely, after an intense relocation experience with my cats, I started attracting clients navigating similar situations. In an animal communication session, I connect with their cats and inform them of what is coming up. I might show them images of the new house and how the move will be. And then I listen to what they say and what they need to help them be comfortable. A cat wanted the car window rolled down while moving because he needed a whiff of fresh air to stop feeling queasy.

And then we have that final transition – a time that is filled with so many emotions and, at the same time, can be a very profound experience. An animal communicator for your cats can help you hear from your cats what they wish and how they wish to spend their last days with you. I have been in sessions with cats hours and minutes before the final breath. It has been a profoundly humbling and sacred experience for everyone involved.

Distant Sessions with an Animal Communicator for Your Cats

The significant advantage is that there is no need to bring your cat over to meet the animal communicator. It is a heart-to-heart connection, and they can do whatever they wish. For the first session, I recommend being in a natural environment and avoiding external disruptions such as a trip to the vet as much as possible. And there are times it may not be possible. This can happen with a missing cat or when they have moved to a new environment. An animal communicator for your cats can still do the work and get information.

An animal communicator for your cats will likely ask for a photograph of your cat and basic information such as name and age. I have also done sessions without pictures, and the result was the same. The photo simply helps us with our process.

Finding an Animal Communicator for Your Cats

Animal communicators are the next hot topic, and there are many who will offer this service. If you are looking for an animal communicator for your cats, it is essential to find an authentic and credible animal communicator. Your cat deserves this. How do you go about finding an authentic animal communicator for your cats?

Here are a few things you can check for:

(1) Qualifications – Ask for certifications or find someone on trusted platforms such as Petworks. Penelope Smith, the grandmother of animal communication, has a directory listing animal communication practitioners. I place my faith in my peers and fellow graduates from Joan Ranquet’s Communication With All Life University (CWALU). The 18-month intense Animal Mastery Program does not just teach animal communication but makes one a seasoned communicator.
(2) Reviews and Testimonials – What are others saying about a particular animal communicator? Check for authentic reviews such as those on a directory listing, social media, or Trustpilot.
(3) Pricing and Availability – This one is not spoken about much but is important too. While we want to find someone affordable, someone offering a price much lower than others also needs additional validation. And you need someone who will be responsive to your messages and emails and someone you can be in touch with.

Summing Up

In short, animal communicators can open up a whole new world for you, where you can not only understand but also bond much more deeply with your cat. Your relationship can evolve into a more trusting and sacred bond.
By tapping into your cat’s thoughts and emotions, you can deepen your bond and create a more harmonious relationship with your furry friend.
Remember that every cat is unique and has their own individual needs and wants. An animal communicator for cats can help you navigate those complexities. So if you’re ever feeling stuck or unsure about your cat’s behavior or health, don’t hesitate to seek out the guidance of an animal communicator.
I hope that the insights and tips I have shared have been helpful to you and that you continue to nurture your relationship with your feline companion.