An Introduction to Communication with Animals

Practicing Animal Reiki

If you have experienced the joy of living with cats and dogs and horses or farm-animals, then you are already in communication with animals. And our animal friends are talking to us too. As cat-people, our hearts melt with absolute joy and love when our feline companions greet us with that slow eye-blink.

Communication is not always about words and language. Communication can be non-verbal too. Humans too extensively use body language to convey thoughts and impressions. You know that the body posture of your human companions tells you a great deal about how interested they are in what you are saying.

Communication with animals does not necessarily involve words at all times. Let’s look at the various ways we are in communication with animals.

Different Forms of Communication with Animals

Body Language

Our cats and dogs just like us, reveal their state of mind through postures. The most common indicators are in their eyes, ears, tails, and sometimes whiskers.

Here are some common body postures in cats and what they mean:
Belly Up – The belly is where cats are most vulnerable. And when a cat chooses to show you her belly, she is saying that she trusts you and feels safe around you.

Butt Wiggle – This is a delight to watch. Many cats and dogs resort to wiggling their behinds when they are about to jump and pounce.

Flattened Ears – This is one to watch out for. Flattened ears can indicate fear or aggression depending on the situation. Sometimes when a cat is in physical discomfort, the ear will go flat as well.

Slow Eye-Blinks – This one is sure to melt your heart and coming from a cat a slow eye-blink is like a feline way of saying, “I love you and I am comfortable around you.”

Dilated Pupils – Cats will have dilated pupils in response to some form of stimulation. This could range from excitement, toys, and catnips to fear and aggression.


Does the question then arise of whether they too can read our body postures? Can we use body language in communication with animals? We don’t really need external cues in communication with animals. Our cats and dogs are energetically far more aware than we are and are fairly well-tuned into our state of mind, without us needing to say so. For example, if I were to display a posture signifying annoyance because my cat broke my favorite coffee mug, but inwardly I am laughing at the antics, my cat will tune into my amusement and disregard any external display. More about this when we talk about use of telepathy when in communication with animals.

Vocal Communication with Animals

Words work too! With training, dogs can form word associations. And before word associations, our cats and dogs pick up cues from how we say something. If the sentiments behind what we say are filled with love and joy, that is what they will understand. If we suddenly change our voice and perhaps bring in extra volume or firmness, then they will pay attention.

And just as we are talking to them, our animal companions talk back too. I have experienced the joy of hearing my cats purr, the distress in their yowl and of course the 3 AM urgent meows asking for food.

Telepathic Communication with Animals

Our animal companions also communicate telepathically and this is often labeled as “Animal Communication”. Animal Communication involves the telepathic transmission of mental images, thoughts, feelings, and pure knowing. Cambridge Dictionary defines Telepathy as the “ability to know what is in someone else’s mind, or to communicate with someone mentally, without using words or other physical signals”

The ability to receive the messages depend on various factors. Are you grounded enough? Are you open to listening? How distracted are you? Are you ready to let go of any judgements and limiting belief? Can you trust your ability to communicate with animals?

Where did Animal Communication Originate From?

Children are born with the ability to communicate telepathically. With social condition and focus on our analytical skills, we lose touch and eventually forget what was once the most natural ability. Most conventional education systems, will focus on the use of verbal communication and discount feelings and heart-centric practices. We are also taught to consider the animal kingdom as separate from us and inferior in terms of their ability to think and feel.

And though we may have lost with our ability to communicate with animals, we can get in touch with that lost part of us again and feel that child-like wonder. All we need is love for the animal kingdom and the openness to learn. Animal Communication can bring great joy to both human and non-human.

If you are not already doing this, start by recognizing your animal companions as spiritual beings with a spiritual essence just like yours. It is only when you respect them as intelligent beings with independent thoughts and feelings that you can be open to communicating with animals. Your animal companions understand you pretty well.

What are the Benefits of Animal Communication?

For anyone living with animal companions, the ability to communicate with animals can help deepen the bond. We can understand the underlying causes behind certain behaviors, hear from our animal companions about their dreams and desires. A professional animal communicator can help when you are struggling with a physical condition or a behaviourial challenge. At times like this, the insights you receive are precious and can help you decide on a course of action.

A client reached out because her cat Lily had started peeing outside the litter box. Medical examination had not revealed any underlying physical condition. Lily spoke to me about how she did not like the new litter box arrangement. The family had just shifted to a new house and the new litter box was placed right below an open window through which other cats could come. Lily felt vulnerable using the litter box especially when she was struggling to adjust. With this insight, Lily’s humans were able to place the litter box in a more secure spot and Lily once again felt safe using the litter box.

At a time, when Mother Earth is faced with a critical situation with rapidly changing climates and rise in number of endangered species, it has become even more important to recognize our inherent connection with all life-forms. Communicating with animals can help us bridge that gap - we can learn to understand our furry, feathery, finned or scaled co-habitants and see the world from their perspective. Together we can learn how to re-establish balance and live in harmony with all creation.